Monday, 10 February 2025
  • Tractor Mowing
    Brush Hogging
    Quotes & services provided by Texas Mowing Services staff & equipment
  • Heavy Duty Shredder can mulch 6 to 10 inch trees
    Extreme Brush Hogging
    Utilizing our Extreme Duty Tree Cutter
  • Texas Mowing Services does it all.
    Zero Turn Mowing and Weed Eating
    For small or large acreage. Complete mow or clean up.
  • Also Called Forestry Mulching
    Wheeled Hydro Axing
    Mulching trees and vegetation. Form 1 inch to 60 inch diameter trees.
  • Mulching trees and vegetation 6 inches and smaller.
    Under Brushing Service
    We are the oldest Hydro Ax Company in Texas.
  • We are the oldest Hydro Ax Company in Texas.
    Track Hydro Ax Clearing
    Track machine can mulch up to 45 inch trees.
  • Serving all of Texas
    Excavator Services
    Pipelines, Grub N Root, Underground Utilities, & More
  • Serving All of Texas
    Dozer Services
    Grub N Root, Land Clearing, Pipelines, Ponds, Roads, Right of Ways, Tanks & More...
Texas Mowing Services
Texas Mowing Service
M-F 7 to 7 / Sat 7 to Noon
Commercial Insurance
Protecting YOU and US.
Business Email Form
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CRP Mowing
If you are enrolled in the CRP and or CREP program, periodic mowing is required.
Brush Hogging
Brush hogging or bush hogging, commercial, oilfield, industrail, ranch, residenitial for al of Texas
Slope Mowing
Slope mowing is dangerous and it takes a special talent, nerve and equipment.
Tractor Mowing
No Matter how tall or thick your grass & weeds are ... we can mow it.
Weed Eating
Weed Eating, Edging, and Blower Services is standard with one of the main services.
Zero Turn Mowing
Zero turn mowing services for residential, commercial, farms, industruial, oilfield, ranches, raw land, and more.
Code Compliance
Business, Consumer, & Investors alike ... Code enforcement is a big thing today. Violation can cost big money ... Maybe even your property.
Dozer Services
Energy Services
Mowing or Clearing Pipelines, ROWS, Solar Farms, Transmission Lines, Wind Farms,
Excavator Services
HOA Services
Offerring all Services to Home Owners Associations and Property Owners Associations.
ROW Service
Right of Way Mowing, Right of Way Brush Hogging, ROW Mowing, ROW Maintenance, Right of Way Weed Eating,

Texas Mowing Services Client Comments about our Brush Hogging, Tractor Mowing, Pasture Mowing, Pasture Shredding, Slope Mowing, Brown Tree Cutter Service, Commercial Property Mowing, Highway Mowing, Right of Way Mowing, Roadside Mowing, Interstate Mowing, Spot Mowing, Bush Hogging, Public Land Mowing, Lawncare, Lawn Mowing, Weed Eating, Orchard Mowing, Land Clearing, Plowing Service, Strip Mowing, Tilling Service, Chemical Treatment and Control.  These are mowing services that we offer to the entire State of Texas.


Hi Carolyn,

Thank you for making it out here before the wedding. Everyone I spoke to was aware of how important it was to us to try to get the pasture mowed before bad weather, equipment breakdowns or whatever could happen when you want something done that's so important. It all worked out perfectly.

Thank you for working with me on that.

K Whittington
Manchaca, TX

Hello Carolyn,                                                                                     7-25-2020

"I have closed on the sale of these two lots in High Meadow Ranch today and would like to cancel the mowing service immediately. I was very happy with your service and will recommend you to the new owners. Thanks again!"

Wayne Brown

 "Howdy Kathryn,

Your guys did a great job and I gave Jacob the check. Enjoy the 4th"
Keith Whipple
Sign Ad


Just another short note to say “Thank Q” for your contribution to the Veteran Dove Hunt!!  We had about 40 veterans on our property this year for the Paralyzed Veterans and Wounded Patriots Annual Dove Hunt.  The other property had about the same number.  They came from all over Texas.  The last guy to leave our property for the afternoon hunt was from Mission, TX.  He got 8 birds and then got in his truck for his 5 1/2 hour drive to head home.  He said that he had a GREAT time.  As it’s been for the last few years, the birds just are not cooperating and aren’t around this early and in the hot, hot weather 😬. Never the less the  veterans still come and have fun.

A special shout out to Jacob!!  He’s wonderful and is appreciated more than he knows.  He’s a good guy but I guess you already know that!

Thanks again. 
K. Pogue
Wounded Warrior Project



Both of your guys (crew Members) are huge assets to your company. Very polite, technically competent and loyal to your company processes. Combine that with their work ethic you have a great people.

R. Daniel
Managing Partner


Hi Kathryn,
The guys just left. They both did a great job. I'm very pleased with the finished product. I would hire your company for sure again.
Many thanks,
C West

I want to commend Jacob for doing a great job on clearing my property line.  He was prompt, professional, & a pleasure to work with.   He did an outstanding job of cleaning the perimeter.  I will definitely be referring some friends to you for some work.  

Thank you,
C. E. Elliott
Please pass on to your operations staff that Ricardo did a great job.
J Cheek

I just want to let you know how good of a job the operator and chain saw worker did at my place! Those guys worked their rear ends off and I truly appreciate it!  I'm not sure if it's customary for customers to tip your guys but I gave each of them $100 as a token of my appreciation for the good work they did.
I am going to contact you in a month or so once it finally dries up more to schedule another 3-4 days of work.
M. Meade

I just wanted to let you know I enjoyed working with your guys on my Georgia and Alabama pipe lines.  It was challenging at times due to the terrain but all and all they done a good job.  You got 2 good guys in Robert and Dray.  They did everything I asked and worked their butts off.  They were very respectful and took their task at hand in a professional way.  Hope to work with your crew again.

Richard Doss
Operations Tech.
Thanks for the work ya'll did.     Good job!     I was pleased.
D. McGuirt
Brazoria County
1200 Acres
Over 20 days work

I just wanted to take a moment and let you know how satisfied my wife and I are with the hydroax work you did on our 6 acre property on the 6th and 7th of September. The results exceeded our expectations many fold and the property now looks like a park and we don’t have a scrap of wood to burn.  Blane the operator was a pleasure to work with. Not only was he on time and took the time to educate us on the process, he was more than willing to go out of his way to get the results we wanted.
We have had numerous other property owners in the development, as well as the HOA ask us for your contact information and I gladly passed it on to them. Hope it results in some additional work for you.

Thanks for the excellent services.
C Green

Thank you for the work your guys did at our ranch this weekend. Everything worked out better than expected. Your two guys did an exceptional job and were great guys to be around. Both worked incredibly hard despite the almost 98 degree heat.
Selman is an exceptional machine operator and the young chainsaw guy is one of the hardest young workers I've seen.
If you ever need a great reference, you have one.

Thanks again.
R. Callison
I am not one to write about what a great job someone does ...why should I ... that's what I'm paying for). With that said ... I wanted to let you know that you and Carlos more than exceeded our expectations. Carlos worked in the machine for 10 hours a day just like you said he would. When he had a problem with the Hydro Ax machine (it threw a belt) he let  my wife know what was going on and when he thought he would have it running again. He was very respectful and courteous to my wife which I greatly appreciate.
Thanks again for the great job and I think the place looks great.
L. Sellers
Hello K,
Carlos has completed the land clearing for me, and the results are great!  Carlos did a really good job working the land and working with us to get it like we wanted.  Carlos was also very friendly and professional.  Thanks again for the good job, and I'll certainly be recommending you guys in the future.  If you guys have a sign that says the land was cleared by Texas Hydro Ax Services, you're certainly welcome to put it on the front of my property.
Chris S.
Consumer wanted 3 acres cleared.
Hello Ms K,
Great job. When talking about the maintenance of this and our other properties.
You will be first on my list.
Bob O, MPF Inc.
Food Supply Company
Code Compliance Issue with the City
Hello Guys,
Your operators came out and they were very friendly and they followed instructions great.
The site is cleaner than I thought we could get it.
Thanks for all your help.
M Howard, Developer
13 acres

Hi JC,
What a hot day it was today. Carlos was at the sight right at 7am and let me tell you he is really professional and my wife and I were real impressed.  He did a lot today.  We're probably going going to need him again in a few weeks because we're thinking we'll want more trails and a few more areas cleared. So again, thanks much for today.  Carlos did awesome, we are very pleased.
S. Weissmuller, Consumer
and many, many more ...

Here is a Select Few Additional Clients

  • Army Reserve
  • Aquarena Springs - NB, TX
  • American Family Radio (AFR)
  • Aggieland Construction
  • Ancira Winton
  • Bee County Texas
  • Camp Stake Boy Scouts of America
  • Carbon Free
  • Caterpillar
  • Centerpoint Energy
  • Chevron USA
  • CE: Cell Tower Mgmt
  • City of Waco
  • City of Pearland
  • City of Bartlett
  • Comet Industries (KCSR)
  • Conoco Phillips
  • Corpus Christi Independent School District
  • Davey Tree Expert
  • Dyess AFB - Abilene
  • ECS (Environmental Engineers)
  • Eagle Ford Shale Housing
  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
  • Federal Home Loan Mortgage (FHLM)
  • GEO Dynamics
  • Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA)
  • Hobby Lobby Corporate
  • Kansas City Southern Railroad (43 Communication Towers 2014 thru present)
  • Kemron GBL (TCEQ Code Compliance)
  • Kiewit Construction (Highway Maintenance During Construction Work)
  • Mansfield Texas ISD
  • Midland Mortgage - OK
  • Midland Mortgage - TX
  • Northland Communication Corp (NCTV)
  • New ERA Partners
  • Phillips 66 (Numerous Pipelines)
  • Polivka International
  • QT Dallas Ft Worth Area
  • Rapid Pipeline
  • RIO Texas
  • Riverbank Conservation - Austin Texas
  • Rock Oil Company, LLC
  • SHTRA (Sam Houston Toll Road Authority)
  • Sprint Pipeline
  • Terracon
  • Texas A&M (Numerous Projects & Locations through the State)
  • Trees of Houston
  • Tucker Energy Solutions
  • US Air Force
  • US Army Corp of Engineers
  • US Navy Goliad Airpark (640 acres)
  • UTC Construction
  • Wounded Warrior Project
  • Weingarten's Realty
  • Weyerhaeuser Company

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Call Texas Mowing Services First, Last, Always!

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Texas Mowing Services serves all regions of Texas.